- What is a data warehouse?
- Why cloud computing?
- The Snowflake Story
- Signup for Snowflake
- Using Snowflake UI
- Creating our first Database, Schema & Table
- Load Data into our first table
- Setting up Required Snowflake tools
- Assignment: Create, Load & query a table
- Creating our first Virtual Warehouses
- Virtual Warehouses sizes & Scalability
- Warehouse - Maximized vs Auto Scale
- Multi-Cluster Warehouse Scaling Policy's
- Assignment: Creating a new Virtual Warehouse
- Key Concepts & Architecture
- Supported Cloud Platforms & Regions
- Snowflake Editions
- Snowflake Releases
- Snowflake Pricing
- Data Integration
- Quiz: Snowflake Concepts
- Ingestion / Loading Methods
- Steps to Managing Loads
- Preparing your data
- Staging your data
- Loading data from an Internal stage
- Loading data from different Internal stages
- Loading data from External S3 stages
- What is Snow pipe? Loading Data via Snow pipe
- Unloading of data
- Quiz: Data Ingestion Quiz
- Loading and Unloading JSON data - high level steps
- Analytics on JSON data - hands on lab
- ORC data handling
- Parquet data handling
- Assignment: Load JSON data from an S3 bucket
- Querying Data in Staged Files
- Querying Metadata for Staged Files
- Transforming Data During a Load
- Working with Temporary, Transient & Permanent Tables
- Working with Externals Tables
- Overview of Views
- Working with Materialized Views
- Table Design Considerations
- Back to the future with Snowflake
- Travel to a specific time or before a query
- Assignment: Time Travel to a point in time
- Undrop databases, schema & tables
- Assignment: Un-drop tables, schemas & databases
- Assignment: Test drive the time travel
- Failsafe in Snowflake
- Lab: View storage used by Fail-safe
- Assignment: Understanding storage used by Fail-safe
- Zero Copy Clone
- Cloning with Time Travel
- Quiz: Time Travel, Zero Copy Clones
- Performance Optimization in Snowflake
- Using Dedicated Virtual Warehouses
- Multi-cluster virtual warehouse or Scaling Out
- Maximize Cache Usage
- Lab: Query Caching in Action
- Clustering large tables & improve partition elimination
- Lab: Cluster keys for large tables
- Search Optimization
- Quiz: Performance Optimization
- Secure Data Sharing in Snowflake
- Sharing with other Snowflake users
- Assignment: Share a table with another Snowflake user
- Sharing - Who's compute is used?
- Sharing - Data always up-to date
- What is a share?
- Sharing with non-Snowflake users
- Lab: Sharing with non-Snowflake users
- Assignment: Share a table with non-Snowflake user
- Lab: Sharing entire schemas & databases
- Lab: Sharing views
- Assignment: Share a view, combining data from multiple tables
- Quiz: Secure data sharing
- Snowflake Approach to Access Control & Key Concepts
- Role Hierarchy in Snowflake
- Outline of the IAM hands on lectures - AWS
- Custom roles
- PUBLIC roles
- Lab : Demonstrating different roles
- Assignment : Assign privileges through a new custom role
- Assignment : Assign a default role to a user (using SQL)
- Quiz : Snowflake Access Management
- Change Tracking Using Table Streams
- Schedule Using Tasks
- Stored Procedures
- Column-level Security
- Row-level Security
- Working with Resource Monitors