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Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Suppose if source has junk files how would you remove it , will you remove it before importing to power center or after importing power center ?
in Scd type 2 scenario we have some records in target If I have to insert first instead of updating (after first time )What would happen ?
In case of job failure in production whom will you report ?
Are you comfortable if you been placed to big data management projects ?
In scf type to we don’t have end date then how we develop scd type 2 ?
What output files does informatica create during running session ?
Can we store pervious session logs ? If yes How ?
Used update strategy in mapping but records are only getting inserted not updated why ?
Actually how you exactly fit into this project ?
Few complex queries how you check it ?
HLD and LLD documents
Md5 function
If there is requirement to support over weekend where there is a critical due to time lines will yoi be able to support and manage ?
Etl process to downstream ?
Project - what is customer perspective in detail ?
How do you raise ticket ?
Dataware concepts ?
Sales table and metadata table - update the source as sales table and how to check the metadata value un target ?
Explain end to end project life cycle from dev to production ?
What all other tools use in your project If there are errors in UAT phase how will you resolve it how you are maintaining versions ?
How will you get updates in your projects from your client ?
What is project source name ?
How to pass values between session in a workflow ?
Find the 1,2,3 highest salary without using rank function ?
Is it necessary to enable sorter input option in joiner ?
What is incremental aggregation ?
What is trigger ?
How to optimize mapping ?
Types of data you are getting for your project ?
How many ways we can override the query ?
How will do error handling ?
In informatica. If you jave spicial characters in the column first name how will you remove it ?
How to remove duplicates in unix ?
Query to split full name into first name, middle name, last name (3columns)
If source has 1000 records. Which partition is used to load 100 records to 10 targets ?
How to pass one session parameter to another session ? Persistent cache
What are different type os parallel processing ?
How will concatenate using unix >
workflow rejected 50 records in the production what is your next step ?
Target override
Which is better operator like or exists ?
Can you plese tell me some acheivements dine by you in your project ?
Can you tell your project architecture ?
How does informatica tool works ?
What is the flow of development in your project ?
What is the difference between function and procedures ?
How you troubleshooting when workflow is failed ?
Difference between session log and workflow log ?
Do you know about migration ?
Source bottle nect how to refuse it ?
How to find second row in a file ?
How we will get to know whether previous command executed in a script is successful or not ?
How you worked in sprint basis or what is the sprint time ?