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Interview Questions

  1. One – to – One Mapping
  2. Customizing the Source Qualifier
  3. Concatenating First_Name, Last_Name and other Row Level Functions
  4. Implementing if – else statement using Expression Transformation
  5. How to filter the data using Filter Transformation ?
  6. Multiple Filter Conditions using Filter Transformation
  7. Need of Router of Transformation
  8. Joiner Transformation
  9. Transposing Columns into Rows using Normalizer Transformation
  10. Transposing rows into columns using variable port and aggregator transformation
  11. Combining Multiple Pipelines – using Union Transformation
  12. Usage of Lookup Transformation
  13. Unconnected Lookup Transformation
  14. Update Else Insert at Session Level
  15. Department wise MaxSalary – using Aggregator Transformation
  16. Update Strategy Transformation
  17. Update Else Insert at Mapping level SCD Type – 1
  18. Sorter Transformation
  19. Fixed Width and Delimeter Flat File
  20. Populating Surrogate Key – using Sequence Generator
  21. Source First Record into First Target and Second Record into Second Target
  22. Multiple Flat Files into the target – Indirect File Type
  23. Populating Source FlatFile Name in the target table
  24. Effective Date – SCD– Type-2
  25. Preventing source duplicate records using Lookup Transformation
  26. Cumulative Salary
  27. Variables – Incremental Logic (CDC)
  28. Control Table Logic
  29. Committing at Mapping Level
  30. Dynamic File Generation
  31. Generating sequence numbers without using Sequence Generator Transformation
  32. Assignment Task
  33. Event Wait – File Watch Mechanism
  34. Worklet
  35. Command Task
  36. Email Task
  37. Stored Procedure
  38. Differences between Informatica 7/8 and 9 versions
  39. Incremental Logic Using Parameter File
  40. Complex Mapping
  41. Assigning a value to workflow level variable – using Assignment task
  42. Error Data Handling
  43. Loading Unique Records into one table and duplicate records into another
  44. How to eliminate or avoid duplicate record from flat file to relational table
  45. Generating multiple records in target, based on source column
  46. updating the target table, if target doesn’t have Primary key
  47. How to Load half records into one Target another half records into one target
  48. Performance tuning in Informatica
  49. Ways of creating Parameter file (Types of parameter files
  50. Development Code Standards
  51. How to skip header and footer records while processing Source Files
  52. Handling Surrogate Key, if same target table populated by two mappings and corresponding sessions execute parallelly
  53. Functioning the loops in Informatica while processing from source to target
  54. Skipping or processing last nth records from Source Flat File
  55. Unit Test Plan
  56. Difference between Source Qualifier, Joiner and Lookup transformation
  57. Difference between Dynamic Lookup Cache and Static Lookup Cache
  58. Difference between Connected Lookup and Unconnected Lookup
  59. Development Lifecycle
  60. Differences between Waterfall and Agile Methodology
  61. How to process multiple files without using indirect method
  62. Transposing rows into columns using variable port and aggregator Transformation
  63. How to achieve lag functionality
  64. How to get greater than average salary records dept wise
  65. Pushdown Optimization
  66. Implementing mapping to convert columns into rows
  67. Md5 functionality
  68. How to Load NON-Duplicates into one table and Duplicate into one table ?
  69. How to achieve Rank Functionality in Informatica without Rank Transformation If source is a flat file, How to generate sequence ranks?
  70. How to Compare starting point and destination location of travel to diplay From Destination to Starting point?
  71. Roles and Responsibilities